The photo was taken several years ago, when I had the joy of flying over Lincolnshire in a friend's tiny plane...

This blog is to accompany the Check the Box course offered by Janet Conner starting May 2013.
The title comes from the poem 'The Journey' by David Whyte (a favourite poet!), Janet cites in the opening lesson.
Janet speaks my language in so many ways...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Post 8 - Another soul-incident, another spiral...

At the weekend, I decided to sort through some art supply stuff - mainly to find collage materials for my Soul Art journal...

And I came across this card, sent by Birgitta Lejonklou, when I bought a necklace from her several months ago...

And if rediscovering another spiral wasn't enough, I'd forgotten Birgitta has another shop called AngelWhisperer, and she had included a business card...

... and had written this affirmation on the reverse...

Oh my!!!!

As Julie Carlisle-Spencer remarked the other day on the course Facebook page,
Why am I always surprised, thrilled and humbled (sometimes I just lose it and sob because it's so perfect, so personal) by all the wonder-full connections...?

I am in deep awe and wonder that these seemingly random things keep happening!

Clearly, my Soul's been making connections for months (I had to buy the Life Force necklace as soon as I saw it months ago on etsy, and Birgitta chose this card, and wrote this message, to send to me), and I've seen them, responded to them, but not really, not deeply, not humbly... till now!

And now, I am giving them the real, deep, humble reverence they truly deserve, and I am oh so heartwarmingly grateful...



  1. Hi C - I've come across 2 poems I felt apt for the moment - not sure if you are familiar with them.
    The Word by Tony Hoagland (as green links!)
    To a Daughter Leaving Home by Linda Pastan

    I found them on the Writers Alamanc web page

  2. How fabulous to reconnect and find the deeper message...I agree i am still always amazed at how the universe supports our every step...with these divine messages..
    Thank you for sharing!


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