I still haven't heard/felt/discovered my soul's purpose, but I have been collecting soul fragments - I just love this phrase!!
And this post is one such fragment...
I love that Janet opens each class call with her singing bowl, and throughout the course, I have been missing my singing bowl...
I bought it about 20 years ago, but I don't remember seeing it, let along using it, for several years... I couldn't even picture it...
So I started researching how to get another one, and as I looked at various bowls online, I remembered seeing a random wooden object in the bottom drawer in the bathroom...
I remembered to seek it out the next time I went upstairs (stairs are still a challenge, so I only go climb them at the beginning, and end, of the day)...
... and sure enough, it was my singing bowl striker!
So, I found my hubbie in the study, and asked if he remembered seeing a medium-size brass bowl anywhere...
'There's one at the back of my dresser full of old keys and stuff.'
And sure enough, my lovely singing bowl had been there all the time in our bedroom, full of keys, paperclips, a sock and lots of dust!!
But now, it is dust-free, and a special part of my altar space...
And today, as I prepared to work again with my photos and sacred spiral, I realized I really wanted to spend time with my long-lost bowl... studying it... feeling it... hearing all the beautiful sounds it can make...
... and I realized my singing bowl is a bowl of sound, and vibration, and cleansing, and clearing...
... made by repeated blows - first in its physical construction, and now, every time I use it, I strike it, and it rings out its beautiful sound...
... and I immediately wrote down, 'My soul is a singing bowl.'
I don't totally know what that means, but I love the imagery, and I love the sound the sentence makes every time I say it...
My soul is a singing bowl.
My soul is a singing bowl.
My soul is a singing bowl.
My soul is a singing bowl.