The photo was taken several years ago, when I had the joy of flying over Lincolnshire in a friend's tiny plane...

This blog is to accompany the Check the Box course offered by Janet Conner starting May 2013.
The title comes from the poem 'The Journey' by David Whyte (a favourite poet!), Janet cites in the opening lesson.
Janet speaks my language in so many ways...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Post 10 - Orbs...

In my quiet time this morning, I wanted to sit with my Grandma's photo and the one photo of my Mum, my daughter and me taken in March 1998 - all four generations together.

As I sat, studying our faces, looking for any family resemblance, I noticed the large orb to the left of the photo...

Now, I 'know' that orbs on photos are essentially light bouncing off dust on the lens, but I also 'know' they can mean something, and the colour and size are important.

So I Googled some sites about orbs, and found that a peach  coloured orb represents 'an ability to comfort'...

I don't claim to really know why there is a large orb on this photo, but I do sense it is important - given the importance of the photo.

I am still waiting for my soul's purpose to reveal itself, but I know it has something to do with being a mother, and healing the deep hurts of both my childhood and my mother's...

the fact my mother's mother died on her 10th birthday...
the fact I was breech born...
the fact my mother and I had a very difficult relationship up to her death 13 years ago...
the fact I had a hard time keeping babies (I had 4 miscarriages and one stillbirth [our daughter Connie born August 1993]), until doctors realized what was wrong...
the fact that while our son is deeply precious to us, I just knew our family, and myself, would not be complete until I had a daughter...

I sense something is coming together as I sit with these photos, and absorb the strong female presence of several generations, and Mary Magdalene, and feel the strange comfort of that large peachy orb...